Elijah Farinella





First Draft

Ghostbane: The Hangman

Join the story of a confused banker named Hutson Creed as he walks between the line of life and death. It is up to Hutson alone to discover the secrets another dark dimension before the Hangman can bring on the Eternal Death in this mysterious epic fantasy of ghosts, cowboys, and immortal tyrants.

Stories That Mean Something

My favorite thing about stories was more than just the twisting adventures and winding plots. I love it when a story speaks to me with a deeper meaning. Through themes taught in engaging writing, I believe a story is an excellent way to connect with people on an emotional level and show the multiple layers of what makes us human.

Words That Earn Customers' Trust

Struggling to get conversions? Wanting to see growth and online prospects turn into sales? Books are cool and all but, I would love to work with you on seeing your business thrive. Still not sure? Check out what I can do for you.

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person using MacBook Pro
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